Providing you and your family with professional and quality counseling service

Trusted Practice
In operation since 2016, Togetherness Counseling in Longwood, FL, is in good standing with our contracts and collaborate with other service providers for excellence.

Insurance Friendly
We understand that therapy in Longwood, FL, can be an expense that is burden to many households. We try to offset this by paneling with as many insurance companies as we can to better serve you.

Expert Therapist
All of our relationships counseling and general clinicians are licensed and experienced in their respective fields of study. We require ongoing education and malpractice insurance from our providers.
Our Services
While you are our guest, we desire for you to feel comfortable and create inviting and healing spaces to address your needs with various services, including relationship counseling. We currently offer telehealth services and in-office appointments by appointment only.

Couples Therapy
We believe that couples come in all different sizes, shapes, colors, and creeds. We do not discriminate against any couple. We also welcome poly and open relationships for services. Our goal is to assist you in having the relationship with your partner that you have always wanted.

Child/Adolescent Therapy
Childhood can be hard, and today’s youth are faced with more obstacles than ever to include, but not limited to, drugs, gun violence, divorce, social media, sex, and more. As parents, it can be hard to know what to do in every situation. At Togetherness Counseling, we are here to help.

Family Therapy
We believe that families should remain together. Our goal is to strengthen family functioning as a whole to create more meaningful relationships through relationships counseling. Change takes time and may involve breaking the family into smaller parts to target relationships that are not working well. Our end goal is always integration of the entire system.

Individual Therapy
Suffering is an inevitable part of being human. At Togetherness Counseling, we are here to support and guide you through these difficult seasons. We empower our clients to find their own unique path toward happiness. While we can’t promise that your journey will be without pain, we can promise to be with you when you cry.

Sex Therapy/Education
Sex therapy is a unique form of counseling that specifically addresses various topics related and pertaining to sexuality through relationship counseling with a marriage therapist. Through this process, you can expect to explore your sexual values and identify ways to communicate your needs to your partner. Sex therapy is often a helpful adjunct to couple’s counseling.

We offer assessments for both children and adults to address a variety of needs. Assessments range in time from 60 to 90 minutes and may be able to be billed to your insurance company. To confirm your insurance benefits, please contact our office, and our staff will be happy to assist you.
Because Together is a Good Place to be

Frequently Asked Questions
Many individuals and couples wait until circumstances exceed their ability to cope before they come to counseling. While that is certainly an indicator that it’s time to come to counseling, you don’t have to wait until that point. In fact, the length of time in treatment can be considerably shorter when you come in to work on things prior to a crisis. Here are some questions to ask yourself when considering if counseling is for you. 1) Are my relationships how I would like for them to be? 2) Am I satisfied with my life and the direction of my life? 3) Do I know who I am and like who I am? If you answer no to any of these questions, counseling may be right for you.
The benefits of therapy have been demonstrated in numerous studies. In a review by Martin Seligman he found that: Psychotherapy produced positive effects in 92% of respondents. The longer people stayed in therapy, the better their results. People that were active in therapy did better than those that were passive. People that actively engaged by being open, asking questions, and following up did better. For most psychological conditions, people in therapy alone did as well as people who had medication plus therapy. Respondents who stayed in therapy only until insurance coverage allowed did worse than those who stayed until their concerns resolved.
You really need to meet with your therapist to get a good idea of what they are like as a person and as a professional. At your first meeting, you should keep these questions in mind: How easy is it to talk to my therapist? Do they seem like somebody I could trust? Is my therapist really listening to me? Do they seem to know what they are doing? Do they seem confident and competent? Do I feel comfortable with them? Could I ever show this person the deepest, ugliest parts of myself? Do they seem to have the capacity to handle me? Mostly, “Do I like this person?”
Latest Blog & Articles
Most issues addressed in counseling are not unique to you or your family. In an effort to normalize your experiences, we have provided you with some resources below.
What's the big deal with porn?
Contracts in couple relationships govern things like monogamy, household responsibilities, care giving duties of children, sexual expression and yes, pornography. Pornography is often a polarizing topic that touches value sets across multiple domains (i.e. marriage, religion, and human rights).
The Humility and Hilarity of Sex During Pregnancy
How much do you know about sex during pregnancy? I often feel like this topic is some elusive secret known only to those who have experienced it. It is seldom discussed by my clients or even my peers. Prior to having had children, I would have thought that people don’t discuss sex during pregnancy because it’s impolite or improper.
Mental Health Challenges in the LGBTQTIA Community
The LGBTQIA community experiences a disproportionate amount of mental health concerns in comparison to the general public. While the reasons for this are varied, exposure to abuse and discrimination are thought to be contributors.
When Sex Becomes Unsexy
As a couple’s counselor and a sex therapist, I frequently hear from both couples and individuals that sex is, at best, no longer a priority and, at worst, a chore or something to be avoided. By the time couples make it in to see me to address their sexual relationship, they have usually been struggling with this issue for years.