Mindful Living: Working Smarter and Not Harder

Mindful Living: Working Smarter and Not Harder

As I write this week’s newsletter, I want to celebrate those of you who challenged yourself to use the tools and techniques from the previous newsletter to set effective habits. Remember that repetition is the master of learning. I believe in you and the innate human...
Lessons in Love

Lessons in Love

In honor of Valentine’s Day, this month’s newsletters will address love. We will explore what it means to love yourself, love others, transform love that is lost and grow from love that has wounded. I have been writing this content in my head and heart for months now...

Couple’s Communication Tips for Arguing

Do you ever wonder if you and your partner are fighting fair? Do you walk away from arguments feeling confused, alone and empty? Most of the couples I treat, struggle with communication. In fact, the absence of conflict is not necessarily a sign that the relationship...