Avoiding Summertime Sadness

Avoiding Summertime Sadness

For many working families, summertime is a season mixed with fun, excitement, unusual stressors, financial strain and boredom. Kids are home from school, which on one hand offers a relief from shuttling them back and forth to school and staying on top of homework, but...
Hacking Back to School Stressors

Hacking Back to School Stressors

Whether it’s your first year sending your child off to school or your tenth, back to school season ushers in a mixture of stressors. Purchasing supplies and clothing, learning bus routes, obtaining class schedules, and meeting the teacher are some tasks associated...
Strategies for Managing Election Stress

Strategies for Managing Election Stress

“Before the 2016 election, an American Psychological Association survey found 52% of American adults reported the election was a “very” or “somewhat significant” source of stress — and the impact was statistically equal among registered Democrats and...
Practicing Self-Compassion

Practicing Self-Compassion

Professionally, self-compassion is a topic that comes up with my clients, at minimum, once a day. Personally, self-compassion is something that has been a central focus in my own personal counseling and wellness journey. I was inspired to write about self-compassion...